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Please visit us at our office if you need assistance with these forms:

Okeechobee County Property Appraiser
409 NW 2nd Ave Suite B
Okeechobee, FL 34972

Exemption Forms



DR-501 Homestead Exemption (Due by March 1st)
. . .Use this form to apply for homestead exemption on your primary residence.
DR-501T Transfer of Homestead Assessment Difference (Due by March 1st)
. . .Use this form to apply for transfer of Homstead Exemption.
DR-501DV Homestead Tax Discount for Veterans 65 and Older with Combat related disability (Due by March 1st)
. . .This application is for use by a veteran or their surviving spouse to apply for an ad valorem tax discount on homestead property.
DR-501SC Senior Citizen Exemption Application for Persons Age 65 and Over (Due by March 1st)
. . .Adjusted Gross Household Income Sworn Statement and Return.
DR-416 Physician's Certification of Total and Permanent Disability (Due by March 1st)
. . .Must be completed by a licensed Florida physician.
DR-416B Optometrist's Certification of Total and Permanent Disability (Due by March 1st)
. . .Must be completed by a licensed Florida optometrist.
DR-418C Real Property Dedicated in Perpetuity for Conservation (Due by March 1st)
Physician Certificate First Responder's Physician Certificate of Total and Permanent Disability - sample (Due by August 1st)
. . .Mist be completed by a licensed Florida physician.
Employer Certificate First Responder's Employer Certification of Injury - sample (Due by August 1st)
. . .Mist be completed by Employer or volunteer's Supervisor.

Business Related Forms



DR-405 Tangible Personal Property (TTP) Tax Return (Due by April 1st)
. . .Use this form if you own property used for commercial purposes that is not included in the assessed value of your business' real property
TPP Extension Tangible Personal Property Extension Form (Due before May 1st)
. . .Please fill out this form and attach it to your DR-405 (TPP) form to be granted a 30 day filing extension.
DR-418 Economic Development Ad Valorem Property Tax Exemption (Due by March 1st)
. . .New or expanding businesses may use form to apply for Ad Valorem property tax exemptions.
DR-504 Ad Valorem Tax Exemption Application and Return (Due by March 1st)
. . .For use of organizations applying for exempt status under Chapter 196, Florida Statutes.

Other Forms



Address Change Change of Address Form
Please fill out this form to notify us if your Property or Mailing Address has changed.
DR-465 Application for Catastrophic Event - Tax Refund (Due by March 1st)
. . .This completed application must be filed with our office on or before March 1 of the year immediately following the catastrophic event.
DR-482 Application and Return for Agricultural Classification of Lands (Due by March 1st)
. . .Please fill out this form if you qualify for agricultural classification.
DR-486 Petition to Value Adjustment Board - Request for Hearing
. . .Please fill out this form and return to the Okeechobee County Clerk of Court. (863-763-4559 x2100)
DR-485WI Value Adjustment Board - Petition Withdrawal

Street Address Office Hours Mailing Address
Okeechobee County Property Appraiser
409 NW 2nd Ave Suite B
Okeechobee, FL 34972
863-763-4422 -phone
8:00am - 5:00pm
(Mon-Fri, except holidays)
Okeechobee County Property Appraiser
409 NW 2nd Ave Suite B
Okeechobee, FL 34972
The information on this website was derived from data which was compiled by the Okeechobee County Property Appraiser Office solely for the governmental purpose of property assessment. This information should not be relied upon by anyone as a determination of the ownership of property or market value. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the accuracy of the data herein, it's use, or it's interpretation. Although it is periodically updated, this information may not reflect the data currently on file in the Property Appraiser's office. The Okeechobee County Property Appraiser, its employees, agents, and personnel make no warranty of merchantability or warranty for fitness of a use for a particular purpose expressed or implied with respect to the information available on this website.
© Okeechobee County Property Appraiser | Mickey L. Bandi, CFA | Okeechobee, Florida | 863-763-4422 by: GrizzlyLogic (g4)