Okeechobee Florida
Okeechobee County Property Appraiser

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updated: 1/20/2012
County and Municipal Property Tax Data Pursuant to Section 195.052, F.S. Section 195.052, Florida Statutes, as amended by the 2008 Florida Legislature (Chapter 2008-197, Laws of Florida) requires that the Department of Revenue and all county property appraisers publish certain county and municipal property tax information on their web sites. This law requires the Department of Revenue to publish on its web sites certain non-voted property tax information for county and municipal governments. Within each county, the tables present the following information for each nonvoted levy by the county and municipal governments:

Table 1: Comparison of Taxes Levied - County and Municipal Governments (pdf)

Table 1 presents the following information:

  • Millage Rates and Taxes Levied
    • Prior Year Adopted
    • Current Rolled-Back Rate (no budget increase)
    • Current Adopted Rate
  • Percent Change in Taxes Levied
    • Current Adopted from Prior Adopted
    • Current Adopted from Prior Rolled-Back Rate *

      * Rolled-Back Rate refers to the tax levies based on last year's budget and current assessments.

Table 2: Distribution of Taxes Levied by Property Type - County and Municipal Governments (pdf)

Table 2 presents the proportion of property taxes paid for each county and municipal nonvoted levy by each of the following property types:

  • Residential real property includes single family residential, real property mobile homes, duplexes, triplexes, other multi-family parcels, residential condominiums and those portions of other types of property which are used as a homestead.
    • Homestead property
    • Non-Homestead
    • Vacant lots
  • Non-Residential real property includes the following types of property, excluding any portions used as a homestead.
    • Commercial improved and vacant
    • Industrial improved and vacant
    • Institutional/Governmental
    • Agricultural
    • Other (government leasehold interests, miscellaneous and non-agricultural acreage)
  • Tangible Personal Property
  • Railroad property centrally assessed by the state
  • Percent of total taxes levied for New Construction

Methodology (pdf)
Provides technical information on the source and calculation methodology of the data presented in the tables.

The information on this website was derived from data which was compiled by the Okeechobee County Property Appraiser Office solely for the governmental purpose of property assessment. This information should not be relied upon by anyone as a determination of the ownership of property or market value. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the accuracy of the data herein, it's use, or it's interpretation. Although it is periodically updated, this information may not reflect the data currently on file in the Property Appraiser's office.
© Okeechobee County Property Appraiser | Mickey L. Bandi, CFA | Okeechobee, Florida | 863-763-4422 by GrizzlyLogic.com (g4)